Thursday, July 23, 2009

Volume 7 - Sneak peak !

I don't usually post my novel online but it's SPECIAL for this chapter only.

Chapter 63 - The change of hearts.


He continued on the blood-stained path. The Battle Of 7 was drawing closer. Agony and misery is what he do not need. With his remaining band, he continued to lead...time was limited though. He held on to his hope...he held no grudge towards the few who turned they are...his Guardians...

Lithium ( following the code names, to protect identity ) knew he could not last long. Just one week back, Lead and Sulfur seemed to be one of the trusted in his band...and just overnight, Lead stabbed Lithium and ran off from the band, planning his next move.

Lithium understood that however much Lead hated him due to THAT incident, he could not bring himself to hate him.

As for the others, Lithium knew that his leadership skills was deteriorating. Sulfur took up the fight for leadership and when refused, he left with Lead. It is unknown about where they are now...except for the fact that Lithium knew this would not be the end.

Seeing his wound, Lithium wonders if the others would follow suit against him...

After all, the Festival will be held a few days from now and Lithium knew that only hostility and tension will rise between them. Sulfur may not be pleased to see Lithium there...

As the sun rose, Lithium continued the path...alone. Taking any more damage and seeing this tearing his band apart would lead to Lithium's end.

What he needs now is not this the Battle Of 7 draws near.

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