My rating : 8.5/10
Story :
Monster Hunter places the player in the role of an up-and-coming hunter who must accomplish various quests to achieve glory. Armors, weapons, and other items are created from the remains of slain monsters by carving off their horns, scales and bones. Monster Hunter plays in a similar fashion to Phantasy Star Online allowing the player to team up with up to three other hunters online to take down stronger monsters.
Review :
Alright, this game contributes to one of the reasons why you should get a PSP. If you're looking for a game that'll REALLY stay in your PSP, this is the game for you. Chances are you won't be clearing the game pretty soon. ( no cheating ! tsk tsk, downloading savedata spoils the fun ) It took me MONTHS to clear the game.
If you're looking for a game to play while your teacher isn't looking, then this IS NOT THE GAME FOR YOU. This game requires pure concentration - lose it and you'll die in the game.
The game system is pretty..well, limited. You go on quests, kill monsters, get their loot and craft weapons and the cycle repeats. 90% of the time in game you'll be just finding items to upgrade your weapons/armors ( that includes questing, mining, farming, training school, etc ) and the other 10% you'll be either in the kitchen thinking of what to eat or combining items.
As for majority of the game, you'll be partaking in quests. There are various kinds of quests - namely Slaying bosses, gathering quests and slaying minions. For most of the slaying bosses and minions quest, you get 45 minutes. When you start out ( 1 or 2 stars ), 45mins seems to be alot of time when you can actually complete it within 5mins but when you advance ( 5 or 6 stars ), that 45mins WILL NOT BE ENOUGH ( unless you hunt as a team ).
Now, moving on, after completing quests, you get the monster's loots and items. You NEED them in order to make stronger weapons and armors. Now when I wrote that I needed MONTHS to clear the game, I certainly was not kidding. In order to count completion, apart from clearing ALL quests, you'll need to craft ALL weapons and upgrade your farm to the max. With +- 6/7 weapon elements and armors to choose from and weapons ranging from Great sword to Heavy Bowguns ( pardon me for my poor memory or my laziness to check rather ) which totals to 11 different kinds of weapon to choose from.
Great swords, Long swords, Sword and shields, Dual swords ( I like this best ), Lance, Gunlance, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Bow, Heavy bowgun and Light bowgun.
Other than that, anything I missed out are just the bits and pisces of the game I never really bothered to find ( like fishing, mining, upgrading your farm etc. )
Up till this part of the review, I'd give it a 6/10. What boosts it to 8.5/10 would be...
WiFi playing.
WiFi playing with friends really took the game to a whole new level. You do the same shit - killing monsters, gathering items but now, WITH FRIENDS ( or enemies ) !
The maximum amount of friends who can play with you would be 4. Imagine that - the monster would be trapped in a deadlock. Then again, I'm sure that the monster does improve it's abilities when there are more people ( x4 the health, maybe? )
Once you and your friend try out the WiFi and quest together, you'll always keep asking for more. With around 50+ ( more or less ) dragons/wyverns and other shits to kill, you'll never find yourself bored with this game.
Afterall...this IS the most popular game for PSP.
Signing off , gene.
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