Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chapter 3 - C.C.A.

It was 5 PM on a normal January day. The school was crowded - flooded with freshmen and their parents. It was like a kaleidoscope of colors, sounds and motion. It was no ordinary school day.

It was the day which I had to decide which club I had to join.

Freshmen were accompanied with their parents to decide which CCA to be taken. I was no exception. Seniors from respective clubs would entice the freshmen with hands-on experience and/or free candies.

As I walked pass the stands, I set the requirements for the clubs that I want to join; No or Minimal outdoor activities and no physical CCAs. This leaves me with the IT clubs ( AVPA ) and the Library club.

I was once a scout in my primary school days. I hated it. CCA were held every Saturday morning. For a primary school kid, going to school on Saturdays and Sundays were like...pure torture. Besides, I wasn't that friendly with the rest of my ex-club mates. They called me names like "Mucus boy " or " Bugs Bunny ". I didn't really care though. My sinus probably caused me a lot of trouble back then. Couple it with two huge front teeth and my life was probably what you can call a " Living Hell ".

Thus, you can see why I refuse to join such clubs which requires "teamwork" and "communication skills with friends". I'd rather go for something more solitary.

The library club suited me most. Spending days in the air-conditioned library playing bored games and reading books. The Cabin was also on par with the former. I listed them down in my CCA form.

Photography and IT clubs were also enticing but not good enough. I was never good at computer stuffs. Programming and stuffs like that looks difficult to me. Even editing a simple picture in Photoshop proved to be too much a hassle.

Thus, I listed my 3 options of CCA and handed the form in to my Teacher-In-Charge.


2 weeks later on a normal afternoon, I found myself in an air-conditioned room. 95% of the whole club are female. There were only 3 males in that entire club, myself included.

"Welcome to Entrepreneur club, I shall be your CCA teacher. You can call me Ms. Ice"


Chapter 3 end.

*** If you didn't read what I wrote back in my previous chapter, I changed the names of ALL characters/landmarks in this story to protect and respect their privacy. Thus you will find some of the names a little...weird( lawl Ms Ice ).

Nevertheless, the names are of little concerns in my story. Only my name shall be true in this story.

Enjoy the rest of the story coming up soon!

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