Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chapter 2 - Introduction

The days after orientation were quiet. The shy ones would sit in one corner of the classroom, just minding their own business. The more sociable ones would have already made a couple or three new friends already.

As most would expect, I fall under the introvert category. I also sat at the corner of the classroom, the row furthest from the door and in front of the teacher's table. Sure, I knew some classmates back from primary school but did not made any effort to get to know them better.

Recesses were lonely in the first few weeks in school for me. I could still vividly remember which stall I ordered from in the first few weeks of school, Western food.

Western food was a stall that didn't exist back in primary school. Chicken chop, each plate costing at a pricey $2 and given at a miserable portion, was my favorite back then.

The first two weeks. Although I had limited friends, I was happy. Everybody was on the same standing, thus making it easier for me to finally score well and promote to the EXPRESS stream.
Lessons were easy and every first lesson starts off with an introduction from the teacher. Homework was rarely given.

By the end of the second week, I have gained a couple of new friends.

Of course, most would expect by then. No school life would be completed without CCA ( Co curriculum activities ) . Forms and leaflets were given out to freshmen, enticing them to join their club.

" Which should I join? " I wondered.


Chapter 2 END

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