Tuesday, June 30, 2009


You're the man -- you've finally worked up the nerve to ask out your potential Miss Right.

And there she is, right over there. It's now or never.

You take a step in her direction...

... and suddenly your pits are dripping like springtime in a rain forest, your heart is flip-flopping like a dying fish and your stomach is churning out enough acid to melt steel.

Chill, dude. You know you can't back down now.

You drag your feet to her side. From somewhere, you hear yourself asking those fateful words: "Would you like to go out sometime?"



She said, "No."

You trudge away, eyes on the floor, praying that no one has witnessed your public humiliation.

Rejection sucks.


Men make buying gifts for women an impossible task. Birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine’s Day spring up and guys are clueless about what to buy their partners. They tend to add extra pressure to the purchase, thinking no gift is ever good enough. So, they put off shopping until the last minute and race around the mall like lunatics with no plan, forgetting everything they know about their partners, ignoring price tags, and leaving common sense in the car.


End of story.
Credits - Askmen.com

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