I had my braces done three years ago. The saga started on the start of my secondary one days and ended on the last year. This saga had dragged on for almost my entire secondary school life and finally it ends today.
When I was still a child, my two front teeth would be the talk of many. I was nicknamed " Bugs Bunny " or " Rabbit ". The malays would usually call me " Gigi " ( Malay for Teeth ). I must admit I hated those nicknames they call me but then again, those teethes of mine inspired many to start a conversation with me, though, I won't say it's a very polite chat.
" Why your teeth so big? " was what I often heard during my primary school days.
I was the " number one customer " to my primary school dental clinic. I had to skip plenty of lessons just to maintain those teeth of mine.
Finally, I was referred to National Dental Clinic to get my teeth right. I must say, it certainly wasn't pleasant. First I had this glass thingy glued on to my teeth. It made it VERY hard for me to chew food. I survived on malt drinks everyday. One day, I got bored and used my tongue to fiddle with it and it came off ( or rather, it BROKE off ).
Then I was given a pink rubber mouth guard. I wore it to school everyday. Every time I opened my mouth, that pink rubber would show and people will go thinking that I'm some sort of weirdo - but that's not the worst. ( see picture below )
Then I was referred to ANOTHER doctor and I was given a headgear to wear for 6 months. I wore it almost everyday - even to school. All eyes were on me. I looked like a complete weirdo and still believe that many people would have that impression of me that way.
Was it embarrassing to wear that to school every day? No.
For once, I actually got respected! I lied to them that it's fixed and glued to my teeth and faked a story that the pain was excruciating but actually it was, in reality, a different story all together. Nonetheless, people stopped bullying me as I schematically planned out everything. I got their pity by faking the pain that my gums were being pierced and everything worked out well.
( Right, I know that some of YOU are reading this blog. It's 3 years since that happened, so let it rest. )
Then it was time to move on to the piece de resistance. The highlight of my teenage years. The event that changed my teenage life - Braces. I underwent several " rites " and stuffs like that - extracting my teeth, elastics, headgear and the list goes on.
I was to report back every month and that would obstruct my studying. It was so often that the school committee had to tell me : " If we see your dental timing like this again, we will not let you leave the school ! You're paying - so why can't you choose to postpone the date ? "
Right. Like I could. The thing was - I was once again on both side of the fence. The dental center WANTS me to go so that they could maintain and finish my problem as soon as possible whereas the school WANTS me to stay and study.
Guess who takes all the blame? Yes, me.
I did not regret though. I must admit I enjoyed the early dismissal. I get to eat Macdonalds in the car for lunch, or else, a famous hawker center around the dental clinic vicinity.
My dentist was a female in her 20's. You could say I enjoyed my experience with her ( don't think dirty now ). I don't know if it's just me or other patients would always think that their dentist are the best. I think it's a shared experience - whosoever that treated you would make you think that he or she is the best around.
I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Florence Wong. Out of due respect, I shall not reveal anything else about her.
After my dental treatment - I would always talk a stroll down the road to reach Chinatown where I would visit my supplier, Mr Kenneth from Pan-In-The-Box. I would visit him whenever I have the chance to. The walk from the dental clinic to Chinatown Point was an enjoyable one. I would experience life in the city every time I walked around there. Suntec city could be seen in the horizon.
Back on story - today is the day I took out my braces AND the day my dentist had to leave National Dental Center. It was so coincidental, maybe too coincidental, that she had to leave on the day I took my braces out. I was planning on postponing the appointment this morning but fortunately, I changed my mind last minute and got to bid her farewell. Although sad that she won't be my dentist anymore - at least I know we will meet again someday. She really has done quite a good job with my teeth - I stopped getting nicknames and people would say that my teeth looks better nowadays.
I will remember this day as it caused a huge impact to my life. Imagine the possibilities if I did not had my teeth fixed - I would looked like a complete idiot. It would rot and decay. She ( and the whole of NDC ) had came to my life and saved my teeth. Now my teeth are one of my greatest assets and I'm damn proud of them.
Mouth Protector
Once again, Thank you Doctor Wong and the rest of the NDC crew.
Update 2 for later. Dinner first.
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