Almost one week after the funeral on the void deck, here comes another one. My condolences to the family who lost their loved one - even though I don't know them <.<
It just goes to show that I'm/You're not the only one going on with life with the lost of your loved one, we just have to keep moving on I guess - life goes on - so yeah, life IS precious. Don't waste it -
spend SOME time with those that are still around. I did some cooking with my Grandma this
early evening ( well, I asked her to help me cook the egg ! ) ; Appreciate them.
Anyway I spent like 6 hours in school today - Maths, AddMaths, D&T - and it'll repeat all over again tomorrow. And on the weekend, Saturday ; I have AddMaths tution at 10AM-12AM ! And I have to RUSH down to Chinatown Atrium to take part with the other cosplayers ( I'm cosplaying as Hei from Darker Than Black )
Here's a picture of the suit ( Anime form ) :
I wore it a few times already though, and I'm going to wear it more often this time - I dream about wearing it to school too ! Yeah - call me an attention seeker - but that's my passion. It's my personal interest.
Anyway, since we are in the line of Anime, why not I show you some...posters ?
!! WARNING - What you are about to see may contain some vulgarities, ecchi and stuff like that - You have been warned. !!
I like this one - it really goes to show why I preferred Japan instead XD
This is just plain hilarious.
You gotta love this guy for making himself a phenomena on the Internet - but I won't go to the extend to say that he is a fool, I mean it takes BRAVERY and COURAGE to do that. Even I won't do it if you give me a hundred dollars, but I'll consider a million dollars ^_^
If you don't get what this means - It means he has ONE hit point left before he dies.
Ain't that super ?
This is (one of the many reasons) why I'll migrate to Japan.
I LOL'ed at this. Nuff' said.
One of the many...benefits of cosplaying.
Since when was Rukia a woman ?
I'm jealous.
I'm VERY jealous.
That's just some of the posters. Credits to , and I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.
I guess that's about all for today.
Signing off - Gene.
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