Well - it's not all bad...I went to a friend's house today...and...did some...scrolling...and...I FAILED 2 70%'S ON A NISROCK AND IT BOOMED !
Bleh ! However, I believe other's had worst experience - like another friend of mine got his THREE Dimond wand destroyed by the 30% Cursed scroll. Compared to him - I guess it's no big deal.
Then I went to ANOTHER friend house to share some wonderful cosplay pictures with him - you know, Japanese cosplay and all ? My love for Japan has increased yet again =O !
So we compared some Singapore people cosplaying and Japanese people cosplaying - although we are unmatchable to the Japanese, but still we did good. Made me realise Singapore ain't such a bad country too - it has (a little) hope from me now.
For the rest of the day it's just Papulatus Clock - man it was a RECORD I tell you - I survived the whole run without any DK or Healer - just me and a 14x Night lord. I can tell you the run was pretty fast indeed, although that ingrate looted all the items and ran away. Pfft - luckily there were no equipments or skillbooks, only potions, mesos and a Papulatus certificate.
After that run I had one more chance so I went in again and guess what? I disconnected. Not only me - the WHOLE game disconnected for a good 10 minutes. Way to go, Asiasoft. Let's look forward to another free 2 hours of x2 during the weekends.
And tomorrow, a new boss (and server) enters the game - Krexel. A 100million HP boss which has a speed of 100, a Magic attack similer to Zakum, a Weapon attack lower than Zakum and has a face nastier than Zakum. ( I mean - Zakum is just a piece of scrap rock to me, now )
Oh and long-awaited return of Captain Lantica - let's hope they don't buff him up, but I don't mind them nerfing him XD
Guess that's about all~ Signing off - Gene.
P.S. - MY BLOG NAME IS NOT STUPID - AND NEITHER MY BLOG NICKNAME IS. I am NOT emo. I just like the word " Emotional " cause it really feels like a complex word to me and " Feelings " cause I'm VVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY sensible to feelings. It's a choice of personal preference, really.
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