I've burned 6 hours in school learning NOTHING cause most of the time I was struggling to keep myself awake and had a sucky lunch ( I'm never ever gonna buy Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup again, it taste like...90% salt 9% noodles and the chicken cube does'nt even taste like chicken. I swear - I'll never buy that again. )
Then, having a sudden crave for Otah, I went down to get some from the coffee shop - it was DELICIOUS. Very spicy indeed and it's not too badly burned either ( although it has some flaws - but heck it's good anyway )
Came back and whadayyaknow - The MapleSEA server was very unstable and disconnected EVERYBODY in the server. There was a rollback. Darn - here comes the part which really spoils my day.
Server's back online - this guildmate of mine called me to take care of his Anego spot ( Parlor map ).
I went and...I died.
Phoey ! Some dude from some great guild came to KS our Anego but it's my fault anyway since I died and lost 7% @.@
Then feeling pissed I thought I could vent out my anger on the Papulatus Clock - boy I was wrong.
I got into a party of 13x's and 14x's - Gotta love Sharp Eyes.
Then the suckiest thing of the day just happened - as we went into the Origin of the Clocktower...
" Dear Maplers,
There is a sudden service disruption on 28th May 2008 (Wednesday) at 2000hrs. We are looking into the issue right now and will solve it as soon as we can. "
There was no warning at all...(note the word " sudden ")
We were all disconnected from the server.
So that's about my story for today. Died in Anego, disconnected in Papulatus, forgotten to went for my daily Zakum run.
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