Monday May 26th 2008 :
So I woke up at 7 this morning as I had to go to school for extra lessons but when I reached there, the express students were taking their MT ' O ' Level paper and besides, the teacher did not come. Drats - but that was the only way to wake me up at 7AM to buy a prepaid card ^^v !
And as promised to myself - I bought the 5k Acash Prepaid card to buy that x2 Drop and Mesos rate.
It was godly.
Tons of junk but I had 3 MAPLE SHIELDS ^______________^ !!!
You want the proof ? ( Unfortunatly, I only found 1 picture, for some unknown reason, I can't find the rest <.< oh wells - just make do with this. )
Other than this it's just another ordinary day really - but here are just the minor stuffs anyway :
James kor told me that there will be a guild outing really soon in the June holidays ^^ ! I can't wait for it~ I wonder where will we go for dinner this time...?
2nd last episode of that Channel 8 7PM drama...I must say it was hilarious while it lasted.
That's about it. Signing off - Gene.
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