Yes, it's that day again where I get to sleep for as long as I wait.
Well today was Maple, Maple and more Maple.
There was an x2 EXP rate this afternoon by the server ( x4 if you combine it with the cash shop x2 EXP item ) - and yet I did not train. Fret not - I went bossing.
1 Zakum and 2 Papulatus clocks = 15% during the x2. Now ain't that neat.
Although I did'nt get much loot, I was'nt prepared for the x2 EXP rates anyway - maybe because I have the mindset that I'm going to play the new " E-world " coming out at 4th June (so I had better finish my artifact by then)
The Zakum run I died halfway through as the other party decided to SABO the whole run. Pfft. Still, my party got the main EXP from the hands, what I really regretted was bringing my Safety Charm into the map when I only lose 1% !!
And thus, that lead to a chain effect.
Early evening I went to scout for Pianus - luckily I found one. Unluckily I died. No safety charms, I lost 7% (it's not a bug). Even MORE unluckily - It was KS'ed by a whole bunch of other guild people.
So, feeling pissed, I went to play one of the Maplestory Private Server with 500x EXP rates, Drop rates and Mesos rates. At least that managed to let off some steam.
That's all for today I guess - and tommorow, maybe I'll go out to have lunch or something - and by the end of this week I'll watch the Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian ; alone I guess.
Oh yeah I have a funny thing stuck in between my braces and I can't get it out - it feels funny @@
Signing off - Gene
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
So I decided to update my blog a little earlier...well ok - I decided to update my blog VERY early today. Reason being that I had something I wanted to post in my blog and afraid that I would have forgotten about it by 11PM or so ( Pisciens are usually very forgetful, or at least, I am very forgetful. )
So I was late for school today but yeah - better late than never ( I was late for like 40minutes ! )
but heck I was partly to blame for not paying attention in class that I had extra AddMaths lesson this morning at 8AM. I did'nt know and I thought that the only lesson I have today was Physics at 9AM - but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
You can say I enjoyed sleeping, I mean - waking up at 7AM during the holidays was torture ! At LEAST I got to rest till 7.45 =P, besides, I did'nt like AddMaths anyway.
And I had an artifact to do during Design and Technology lesson - but it broke during the last minute. I knew I should have used the Hot Melt Glue Gun - it's way better than that darn liquid thingy used for wood and acrylic. Now all's left is the wheels and the handler and I'm almost done with my artifact.
Anyway here's the extra for today's post : My perfect lover.
So my ear piece was broken and I had no music on the walk home to listen to (that's just sad) and I suddenly thought how I would want my perfect lover to be like. I judge them on the scale of 0 to 10 ( even though I KNOW I have no right to judge anyone but hey - it's a blog and this is just my opinion ^_^ It's not hurting or anything...right...? )
WARNING !! I mean NO OFFENCE when I post this topic so please, ladies, do not feel insulted in anyway. WARNING !!
Anyway here's how I rate any girl I know ; Out of the scale from 0 point to 10 point.
First up - the basics and the heart.
1)Able to accept the guy as what he is. Add 1 point.
2)Sensitive to the guy's emotion. Add 1 point.
3)Caring, thoughtful and have the perfect attitude. Add 1 point.
These are the basic and what most guys really want ( I'm a guy so I know ^^v ) but there's more...
Next - the looks and the power.
4)A face that has no ( or little ) flaws. Add 1 point.
5)A body with the right attributes. Add 1 point.
6)Challenge ( not too much or else the guy would think you are too power-hungry, other than that, who does'nt like a good challenge once in awhile? ). Add 1 point.
That's 6 points in total already - to sum it up : A good heart and a beautiful image with the perfect mindset. Still - 4 points left to go.
Lastly - the privilage.
7)Popularity and famous in a good way. Add 1 point.
8)HIGHLY educated and VERY wealthy. Add 1 point.
9)Foreign Talent ( at least for me ). Add 1 point.
10)Pure love ( not for the money or status - you can't fool yourself ). Add 1 point.
That's about all for being ALMOST perfect. ( well at least 80% for most guys want, the rest of the 20% depends on your partner, really. )
Now for me, I don't really believe in love (seriously and honestly) so yeah - take this as a pinch of salt.
As long as you are on the scale of 6-10, you pass.
On the scale of 8-10, you are already VERY rare.
Exactly 10 points, you are Perfect.
Anything below 5 - go work on yourself, especially the following :
Point 2 (common sense and natural instincts), Point 6 (stop giving it to him all the time !), Point 8 (Study hard and work more) and Point 7 ( Go make a name for yourself, and a good one at that ) . It won't be that hard if you have the sincerity.
Now what would you do if it's LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?
Then count only Point 4, Point 5, Point 7 and Point 9 since you are judging a book by it's cover.
Now for the rest of the day, here's guessing that it'll be pretty much the same. Some Zakum runs, Anego and Pianus scans and/or going to to play DotA to pawn/get pawned (by) some n00b or pro, respectively.
Anything else, there's always the EDIT button. Oh yeah and the Bleach Manga today really made my day. You should read it. Who would have belive...OK no spoilers.
Till then ~ Gene.
So I was late for school today but yeah - better late than never ( I was late for like 40minutes ! )
but heck I was partly to blame for not paying attention in class that I had extra AddMaths lesson this morning at 8AM. I did'nt know and I thought that the only lesson I have today was Physics at 9AM - but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
You can say I enjoyed sleeping, I mean - waking up at 7AM during the holidays was torture ! At LEAST I got to rest till 7.45 =P, besides, I did'nt like AddMaths anyway.
And I had an artifact to do during Design and Technology lesson - but it broke during the last minute. I knew I should have used the Hot Melt Glue Gun - it's way better than that darn liquid thingy used for wood and acrylic. Now all's left is the wheels and the handler and I'm almost done with my artifact.
Anyway here's the extra for today's post : My perfect lover.
So my ear piece was broken and I had no music on the walk home to listen to (that's just sad) and I suddenly thought how I would want my perfect lover to be like. I judge them on the scale of 0 to 10 ( even though I KNOW I have no right to judge anyone but hey - it's a blog and this is just my opinion ^_^ It's not hurting or anything...right...? )
WARNING !! I mean NO OFFENCE when I post this topic so please, ladies, do not feel insulted in anyway. WARNING !!
Anyway here's how I rate any girl I know ; Out of the scale from 0 point to 10 point.
First up - the basics and the heart.
1)Able to accept the guy as what he is. Add 1 point.
2)Sensitive to the guy's emotion. Add 1 point.
3)Caring, thoughtful and have the perfect attitude. Add 1 point.
These are the basic and what most guys really want ( I'm a guy so I know ^^v ) but there's more...
Next - the looks and the power.
4)A face that has no ( or little ) flaws. Add 1 point.
5)A body with the right attributes. Add 1 point.
6)Challenge ( not too much or else the guy would think you are too power-hungry, other than that, who does'nt like a good challenge once in awhile? ). Add 1 point.
That's 6 points in total already - to sum it up : A good heart and a beautiful image with the perfect mindset. Still - 4 points left to go.
Lastly - the privilage.
7)Popularity and famous in a good way. Add 1 point.
8)HIGHLY educated and VERY wealthy. Add 1 point.
9)Foreign Talent ( at least for me ). Add 1 point.
10)Pure love ( not for the money or status - you can't fool yourself ). Add 1 point.
That's about all for being ALMOST perfect. ( well at least 80% for most guys want, the rest of the 20% depends on your partner, really. )
Now for me, I don't really believe in love (seriously and honestly) so yeah - take this as a pinch of salt.
As long as you are on the scale of 6-10, you pass.
On the scale of 8-10, you are already VERY rare.
Exactly 10 points, you are Perfect.
Anything below 5 - go work on yourself, especially the following :
Point 2 (common sense and natural instincts), Point 6 (stop giving it to him all the time !), Point 8 (Study hard and work more) and Point 7 ( Go make a name for yourself, and a good one at that ) . It won't be that hard if you have the sincerity.
Now what would you do if it's LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?
Then count only Point 4, Point 5, Point 7 and Point 9 since you are judging a book by it's cover.
Now for the rest of the day, here's guessing that it'll be pretty much the same. Some Zakum runs, Anego and Pianus scans and/or going to to play DotA to pawn/get pawned (by) some n00b or pro, respectively.
Anything else, there's always the EDIT button. Oh yeah and the Bleach Manga today really made my day. You should read it. Who would have belive...OK no spoilers.
Till then ~ Gene.
After the storm...
Whew - I must say, today is certainly a better day. It' a much more relaxing day compared to yesterday, maybe cause that there is no AddMaths lesson today.
All I had was Chemistry and we all know how easy Chemistry is.
Then I had to go to that dusty Design and Technology ( D&T ) lab to make my artefact.
Guess what? 1 hour. It took me 1 stinkin' hour to BEND AN ACRYLIC.
First I used that oven thingy used to make Acrylic all flimsy and all but it overdone it's job and made the edges all filmsy again and my artefact was ruined. Then I spent 15minutes trying to on that Strip Heater only to find out that I've made a fool out of myself - it's spoilt.
Anyway I went to a friend's house to play DotA with him afterwards. We played 2 games - I lost both <.< ( It was a 1v1 )
I did'nt lose too badly in the first match, I could almost say it was a close one.
Dwarven Sniper VS Lord of Avernus ( me )
I owned him early game with 2 kills but he bought a Vanguard and got back at me.
I lost the second game badly.
Tinker VS Tidehunter ( me )
0-7. Phail for me =(.
Anyway I went back in the early evening and had my dinner and all other stuffs.
Then I went for 2 rounds of Papulatus Clock and a scan of Pianus.
Boy - even though the clock runs were long ( we had no Night Lords ) but it was pretty fun.
I managed to loot some Elixers, Milk, Power elixers, a Mage shoe and a female Warrior item.
Then I scanned Pianus but there was nothing, well, there was ONE channel with Blood Booms all over. That scared the daylights out of me.
It was all just slack after that and I finished the day with a fresh episode of Bleach.
Signing off - Gene.
All I had was Chemistry and we all know how easy Chemistry is.
Then I had to go to that dusty Design and Technology ( D&T ) lab to make my artefact.
Guess what? 1 hour. It took me 1 stinkin' hour to BEND AN ACRYLIC.
First I used that oven thingy used to make Acrylic all flimsy and all but it overdone it's job and made the edges all filmsy again and my artefact was ruined. Then I spent 15minutes trying to on that Strip Heater only to find out that I've made a fool out of myself - it's spoilt.
Anyway I went to a friend's house to play DotA with him afterwards. We played 2 games - I lost both <.< ( It was a 1v1 )
I did'nt lose too badly in the first match, I could almost say it was a close one.
Dwarven Sniper VS Lord of Avernus ( me )
I owned him early game with 2 kills but he bought a Vanguard and got back at me.
I lost the second game badly.
Tinker VS Tidehunter ( me )
0-7. Phail for me =(.
Anyway I went back in the early evening and had my dinner and all other stuffs.
Then I went for 2 rounds of Papulatus Clock and a scan of Pianus.
Boy - even though the clock runs were long ( we had no Night Lords ) but it was pretty fun.
I managed to loot some Elixers, Milk, Power elixers, a Mage shoe and a female Warrior item.
Then I scanned Pianus but there was nothing, well, there was ONE channel with Blood Booms all over. That scared the daylights out of me.
It was all just slack after that and I finished the day with a fresh episode of Bleach.
Signing off - Gene.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I stand corrected.
When I said yesterday was a boring day, it was NOTHING compared to today.
I've burned 6 hours in school learning NOTHING cause most of the time I was struggling to keep myself awake and had a sucky lunch ( I'm never ever gonna buy Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup again, it taste like...90% salt 9% noodles and the chicken cube does'nt even taste like chicken. I swear - I'll never buy that again. )
Then, having a sudden crave for Otah, I went down to get some from the coffee shop - it was DELICIOUS. Very spicy indeed and it's not too badly burned either ( although it has some flaws - but heck it's good anyway )
Came back and whadayyaknow - The MapleSEA server was very unstable and disconnected EVERYBODY in the server. There was a rollback. Darn - here comes the part which really spoils my day.
Server's back online - this guildmate of mine called me to take care of his Anego spot ( Parlor map ).
I went and...I died.
Phoey ! Some dude from some great guild came to KS our Anego but it's my fault anyway since I died and lost 7% @.@
Then feeling pissed I thought I could vent out my anger on the Papulatus Clock - boy I was wrong.
I got into a party of 13x's and 14x's - Gotta love Sharp Eyes.
Then the suckiest thing of the day just happened - as we went into the Origin of the Clocktower...
" Dear Maplers,
There was no warning at all...(note the word " sudden ")
We were all disconnected from the server.
So that's about my story for today. Died in Anego, disconnected in Papulatus, forgotten to went for my daily Zakum run.
I've burned 6 hours in school learning NOTHING cause most of the time I was struggling to keep myself awake and had a sucky lunch ( I'm never ever gonna buy Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup again, it taste like...90% salt 9% noodles and the chicken cube does'nt even taste like chicken. I swear - I'll never buy that again. )
Then, having a sudden crave for Otah, I went down to get some from the coffee shop - it was DELICIOUS. Very spicy indeed and it's not too badly burned either ( although it has some flaws - but heck it's good anyway )
Came back and whadayyaknow - The MapleSEA server was very unstable and disconnected EVERYBODY in the server. There was a rollback. Darn - here comes the part which really spoils my day.
Server's back online - this guildmate of mine called me to take care of his Anego spot ( Parlor map ).
I went and...I died.
Phoey ! Some dude from some great guild came to KS our Anego but it's my fault anyway since I died and lost 7% @.@
Then feeling pissed I thought I could vent out my anger on the Papulatus Clock - boy I was wrong.
I got into a party of 13x's and 14x's - Gotta love Sharp Eyes.
Then the suckiest thing of the day just happened - as we went into the Origin of the Clocktower...
" Dear Maplers,
There is a sudden service disruption on 28th May 2008 (Wednesday) at 2000hrs. We are looking into the issue right now and will solve it as soon as we can. "
There was no warning at all...(note the word " sudden ")
We were all disconnected from the server.
So that's about my story for today. Died in Anego, disconnected in Papulatus, forgotten to went for my daily Zakum run.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
School on a School Holiday
Yup - that's right. It's unfortunate how we still have to go to school even though it's the school holidays but heck, I could'nt complain.
Today is a REALLY VERY BORING day.
First I had to struggle to keep myself awake during AddMaths lesson.
Then I had to went all the way to the city to had my passport renewed.
By time I came back it was already 4PM. That's like half day gone !
The good news is I went ( and survived ) Zakum today and managed to watch the last episode of that channel 8 drama.
There is really nothing much to write about this day anymore - it's just too minor.
Signing off here~
Today is a REALLY VERY BORING day.
First I had to struggle to keep myself awake during AddMaths lesson.
Then I had to went all the way to the city to had my passport renewed.
By time I came back it was already 4PM. That's like half day gone !
The good news is I went ( and survived ) Zakum today and managed to watch the last episode of that channel 8 drama.
There is really nothing much to write about this day anymore - it's just too minor.
Signing off here~
Apologies for not updating the blog yesterday...
Too tired that I forgotten to but I'll do it now ^_^
Monday May 26th 2008 :
So I woke up at 7 this morning as I had to go to school for extra lessons but when I reached there, the express students were taking their MT ' O ' Level paper and besides, the teacher did not come. Drats - but that was the only way to wake me up at 7AM to buy a prepaid card ^^v !
And as promised to myself - I bought the 5k Acash Prepaid card to buy that x2 Drop and Mesos rate.
It was godly.
Tons of junk but I had 3 MAPLE SHIELDS ^______________^ !!!
You want the proof ? ( Unfortunatly, I only found 1 picture, for some unknown reason, I can't find the rest <.< oh wells - just make do with this. )

Other than this it's just another ordinary day really - but here are just the minor stuffs anyway :
James kor told me that there will be a guild outing really soon in the June holidays ^^ ! I can't wait for it~ I wonder where will we go for dinner this time...?
2nd last episode of that Channel 8 7PM drama...I must say it was hilarious while it lasted.
That's about it. Signing off - Gene.
Monday May 26th 2008 :
So I woke up at 7 this morning as I had to go to school for extra lessons but when I reached there, the express students were taking their MT ' O ' Level paper and besides, the teacher did not come. Drats - but that was the only way to wake me up at 7AM to buy a prepaid card ^^v !
And as promised to myself - I bought the 5k Acash Prepaid card to buy that x2 Drop and Mesos rate.
It was godly.
Tons of junk but I had 3 MAPLE SHIELDS ^______________^ !!!
You want the proof ? ( Unfortunatly, I only found 1 picture, for some unknown reason, I can't find the rest <.< oh wells - just make do with this. )
Other than this it's just another ordinary day really - but here are just the minor stuffs anyway :
James kor told me that there will be a guild outing really soon in the June holidays ^^ ! I can't wait for it~ I wonder where will we go for dinner this time...?
2nd last episode of that Channel 8 7PM drama...I must say it was hilarious while it lasted.
That's about it. Signing off - Gene.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Another day infront of my computer..
So I woke up at 8.30AM today and logged on to MapleStory almost immediatly @@
Darn. No Maple Shield after even hunting there for like 5 hours or so, while on the other hand, one of my guildmate got 11 Maple Shields, that's right - 11. 400Mil Mesos earrned from the Shields - Well he had the cash to buy the x2 Drop rate.
I'll have to buy one of these cards tomorrow then @@
I MUST get one of those shields, darn Lunar pixies...give it to me already !
The good thing is I went to a successful Zakum Run today - Luckily I used my Uncle's desktop.
His desktop was WAY better than mine - in terms of everything. No lag, no sabo - just another 30 minutes run with a couple of 17x's.
Sadly I did'nt get any screenshots of the run...
But I did get this :

A 3 man Papulatus run with 2 strangers I don't know from the same guild.
I thought they'll loot everything and run away but no - they were kind. They gave me some dews.

That's all for today.
Oh and I got a new game for my PSP ^^
Darn. No Maple Shield after even hunting there for like 5 hours or so, while on the other hand, one of my guildmate got 11 Maple Shields, that's right - 11. 400Mil Mesos earrned from the Shields - Well he had the cash to buy the x2 Drop rate.
I'll have to buy one of these cards tomorrow then @@
I MUST get one of those shields, darn Lunar pixies...give it to me already !
The good thing is I went to a successful Zakum Run today - Luckily I used my Uncle's desktop.
His desktop was WAY better than mine - in terms of everything. No lag, no sabo - just another 30 minutes run with a couple of 17x's.
Sadly I did'nt get any screenshots of the run...
But I did get this :
A 3 man Papulatus run with 2 strangers I don't know from the same guild.
I thought they'll loot everything and run away but no - they were kind. They gave me some dews.
That's all for today.
Oh and I got a new game for my PSP ^^
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Another day has passed...
The days just keep getting closer and closer to the exams but heck, I did'nt do any study today at all. Here's a quick summery of what I did...
Morning to late noon : DotA
Late noon to Midnight : Maplestory
I've tried out a new hero in DotA today and it's the Necrolyte ( that hero with the Reaper Scythe skill ) and I can say I fairly owned with that hero. I mean his ulti is IMBA ! And with Aganium Sceptor it's 1.1HP ! That's like almost HALF ! But he lacks in escaping skills. Stunners own him big time.
So I went to Maplestory and went did my usual Amoria Party Quest and went for a quick scan of Pianus. Disappointingly, after scanning 20 channels, nothing. Bleh.
So I thought no matter - I'll go to Anego. Nothing again.
Darn with my rotten luck.
Then one of my guildmates bragged how he LUCKILY got his Maple Shield by killing a single mob from Lunar Pixies. He said the drop rates there were awesome.
I went there - got loads of junk items, but no Maple shield. Argh.
Oh well, tomorrow would be a better day I guess.
Morning to late noon : DotA
Late noon to Midnight : Maplestory
I've tried out a new hero in DotA today and it's the Necrolyte ( that hero with the Reaper Scythe skill ) and I can say I fairly owned with that hero. I mean his ulti is IMBA ! And with Aganium Sceptor it's 1.1HP ! That's like almost HALF ! But he lacks in escaping skills. Stunners own him big time.
So I went to Maplestory and went did my usual Amoria Party Quest and went for a quick scan of Pianus. Disappointingly, after scanning 20 channels, nothing. Bleh.
So I thought no matter - I'll go to Anego. Nothing again.
Darn with my rotten luck.
Then one of my guildmates bragged how he LUCKILY got his Maple Shield by killing a single mob from Lunar Pixies. He said the drop rates there were awesome.
I went there - got loads of junk items, but no Maple shield. Argh.
Oh well, tomorrow would be a better day I guess.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Opening of my blog : About me.
So finally after much peer-pressure from my friends, I made a blog of my own.
About me...
My name is Gene and I'm 16 this year. I'm attending REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL from the year of 2005~200x.
I belive in the term " Uniqueness " and would like to make my blog as unique as possible and to share with anybody whose interested about my dreams and stuff like that - Other than that it's just a blog that's trying to get some publicity in the newspaper, truthfully.
So yeah, for more infomation, visit my friendster :
About me...
My name is Gene and I'm 16 this year. I'm attending REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL from the year of 2005~200x.
I belive in the term " Uniqueness " and would like to make my blog as unique as possible and to share with anybody whose interested about my dreams and stuff like that - Other than that it's just a blog that's trying to get some publicity in the newspaper, truthfully.
So yeah, for more infomation, visit my friendster :
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