Friday, October 17, 2008

When you play with fire, you get hurt.

Alright, just so you know, the title is totally random :P


Anyway, nothing much happened today, with exceptions to a new chapter of Bleach manga AND THE COMPLETION OF BLADE DANCER : LINEAGE OF LIGHT. (Platform : PSP) (Genre : RPG)


My reviews about Blade Dancer : Lineage of Light;

Alright, if you HATE RPG games, do not have patience with games and if you like "actiony" kind of games, I suggest you skip this game. This game requires LOADS of patience and all you do is control the usual 4 characters casting spells at enemies and whatnot on a turn basis. The game is in real time motion, so there's no "pause" in the game, so turn off your PSP or else you'll find your character dead on the ground when you get back.

You're gonna spend plenty of time running about towns (which takes 10minutes if you haven't unlock a special gate) and during the later part of the games, the enemies will be a lot tougher than you think.

The game starts off with a WONDERFUL Japanese opening song which really makes you think that your 270MB game is not wasted, but I'll say it's something more like a a " make up " effect - to make up for running about here and there.

You may not catch what the characters are saying in the early part of the game - stuffs like Appraisal, Crafting and the Blade Dancer but don't worry - it's kinda of a thing that you would understand in the later part of the game. So don't think too much about it.

Sometimes, your enemies will come RUNNING at you and what's worst is the enemy MIGHT be stronger than you ( I fought a Ghost wolf when my characters are only 35 ! ) and if you are THAT unlucky ( especially the time i forgotten to save and got chased by a Pyrodragon, and still being unable to run away. I wasted my 1~2 hours running around, doing missions and levelling up my characters and my characters died.

Do note that you CANNOT save your game while venturing, only in towns or dungeons ( don't worry there's like only 2 dungeons in this game ) so that pretty much pisses me off.

The graphics of this game is pretty good, but I'll only give it a 7/10. The IN GAME MUSIC was horrible. There's no music while you're venturing and exploring the lands, only the sounds of your footsteps, and the music in towns are just like a 10seconds recording that's recurring time and time again.

However the Opening theme and the Ending theme were perfect.

Anyway, minor spoiler here : I think that there's going to be a season 2 for Blade Dancer seeing how the game ends. Sucky endings, for once, I don't mind this game having end with a "Happily Ever After"...but nooooo, they had to drag the storyline and what's worst is the credits just roll after the part was getting epic.

Oh and a minor note : Your friends are going to whine if they see you playing this game. Like I said, it's a RPG and don't expect to see many special effects, most of the time you'll be just swinging your sword.


I thought that it was meant to be, but was only deluding myself from the truth and the false. I could never have...her.
Until I stand corrected.

Anyway that's about all. Now im'mma go find more RPG games to play.

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